Document Type : Descriptive



Everybody admitted that in present stressful and competitive situation, using traditional forms of organizations are unforgivable mistake. Hence, regarding new organizational features is an important worry of researchers. So, the aim of this research is to design project-oriented organization model (as a newfound organizational features) based on organizational performance. The research is an applied research in terms of purpose and an exploratory study that strives to accomplish designing a model for the organization in case study (academic jihad of Fars Province) using mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). Results indicated that the research final model including project management with five dimensions (necessities of knowledge, risk, processing, human resource, governance and leadership) and two moderator variables of organization's project nature and organization's project technology. Out of dimensions of project management, risk management necessities have the highest priority in forming project-oriented organization model. In addition, based on the factor loading of the final research model, it is suggested to manager that attention to the used technology transfer in organization's projects, size and type of organization's project, incoming pressures to organization's project and necessities of risk management of the project should be their priority in order to design these kinds of organization.


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