Volume 11 (2023)
Volume 10 (2022)
Volume 9 (2021)
Volume 8 (2020)
Volume 7 (2019)
Volume 6 (2018)
Volume 5 (2017)
Volume 4 (2016)
Volume 3 (2015)
Volume 2 (2014)
Volume 1 (2013)

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Public Organization Management is an open access and peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to the advancement of Public Organizations Management Models and management issues of Iranian government agencies. Papers are subject to a double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument.
The submitted papers will be published after review as well as the approval of the editorial board. The journal was established by Payame Noor University. The honorable professors and researchers are highly appreciated if they visit this site, register, submit and set up their papers based on authors guidelines. Therefore, visiting in person or calling the journal office are not recommended, so all connections with authors and reviewers are done through the website. The journal provides article download statistics.

Journal of Public Organzations Management In cooperation with the Academy of Organizational Behavior Management and the Scientific Association of Public Administration of Iran, it will be published in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Impact Factor of the Quarterly Journal of Public Organzations Management is 0.861 Based on the Report of the Islamic World Citation Database (ISC) in 2018 with a Grade of Q1.
This Journal has been Awarded theRank based on the Evaluation Results of the Scientific Journals Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology in 2022.

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  1. 3,000,000 Rls. For articles’ acceptance
  2. 3,000,000 Rls. For publishing (The total charge includes 6,000,000 Rls. for each article)

Bibliographic Information

Title: Public Organization Management

ISSN: Online: 2322-522X  Online: 2538-600X

Coverage: Knowledge Development and Creation of Iranian Islamic and Indigenous  of  Public Organizations Management Models Identify the management issues of Iranian government agencies and provide solutions to them

Language: Persian; including English abstracts and bibliographies

Start Year: 2012

Frequency: Quarterly

Place of Publication: Iran

Publisher: Payame Noor University

Status: Active

Initial review period: 7 working days

Publication Method: Online and print publishing

Type of Publishable Articles: Research/Original/Regular Article, Review Article

Refereed: Yes

Type of Access: Open Access (OA)

Type of License: CC- BY

Plagiarism Detection Software: Hamyab

Type of Publication: Online submission: Free                  

Full text access: Open Access

Revenue Sources: Institutional support, Donation

  Type of Review: Double blind peer review

Type of Material: Serial (Periodical)

Email: ipom@pnu.ac.ir

This journal is subject to COPE criteria with respect to the rules of Publication ethics and follows the executive regulations for preventing and combating fraud in scientific works.

Description: It is an open-access peer-reviewed journal in Persian (including English abstracts and references) devoted to the field of  Public Organizations Management

Public Management
Analytical Model of the Relationship between Employees' Emotional Labor and the Perception of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Organization of Agricultural Jihad of East Azarbaijan Province

Hossein Abbasi Esfanjani

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024, Pages 1-20


  The aim of this study is to analyse how emotional labor affects on the perception of service quality and customer satisfaction. The research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive and survey in terms of nature and method, and primary information was collected using ...  Read More

Public Administration
The Dark Side of Meritocracy in Organization: The Accumulation of Social Inequality through Work

zeinab molavi

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024, Pages 21-34


  The aim of this study is to analyse how emotional labor affects on the perception of service quality and customer satisfaction. The research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive and survey in terms of nature and method, and primary information was collected using ...  Read More

Public Management
Interpretive Structural Modeling of Factors Affecting Employees Strategic Alignment

Hossein Eghbali; Ebrahim Rajabpour; Zaeemeh Nematolahi

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024, Pages 35-50


  Current researches around the axis of strategic management indicate that strategy formulation cannot be the main concern or problem of organizations. Rather, what has become a problem is the lack of alignment between different departments of the organization and the organization's strategies. This research ...  Read More

Public Management
The Dark Edge of Succession in the Executive Organizations of East Azarbaijan Province with the Approach of Foundational Data Theory

Nahideh Najafi emami; Alireza Bafandeh Zende; Morteza Mahmoodzadeh

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024, Pages 51-66


  Managers of organizations know that nurturing successors is essential for the organization's prosperity in next years. One of the the weak points in the succession is the process of preparing employees to take on new roles in the organization when they need those roles. In this regard, the research has ...  Read More

General Management
Designing a Model for Managing the Implementation Challenges of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

Masoumeh Afsharinezhad; Mohammad ali Sarlak; Davood Gholamrezaei; Ashraf Rahimian

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024, Pages 67-86


  Currently, the insurance industry in Iran is facing challenges such as process complexity, high costs, and declining customer trust. As a result of these challenges, there is a need for new requirements to improve performance and enhance efficiency in the insurance industry. In this regard, the implementation ...  Read More

Public Management
Identifying the Impact of Liquidation Policies on Organizational Performance with Emphasis on the Mediating Role of Employee Competency and Toxic Partner in Isfahan Mellat Bank

Mehdi Mohammadi; Morteza Agha Tehrani; Somayeh Akhlaghiyan; Tahereh Sahrai

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024, Pages 87-100


  The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of remediation policies on organizational performance with emphasis on the mediating role of staff competency and toxic partner at Mellat Bank in Isfahan. Avery. The target population of this research is the esteemed personnel of the branches of Mellat ...  Read More

Public Management
Examining the Effect of Patriarchy on Organizational Trauma with the Mediating Role of Ambition of Female Managers in Government Organizations of Ilam Province

Jahan Abdi; Zahra Hajibeigi; Mohammad Adinehvand

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024, Pages 101-114


  This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of patriarchy on organizational trauma with the mediating role of ambition of female managers in government organizations of Ilam province. Methodology In terms of the purpose, the research method is a part of applied research, and ...  Read More

Public Management
Monitoring the role of soft skills on critical thinking and innovative behaviors of managers of public organizations

Parvaneh Sadeghi; Houshang Taghizadeh; Ali Ghorbani

Volume 12, Vol 3 , Series 47 , June 2024


  This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of soft skills on critical thinking and innovative behavior of managers. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey from the point of view of methodology. The statistical population of the research ...  Read More

Conceptualization and Design of Organizational Meteorite Model: Challenges and Solutions

Ali Ghorbani; Mohammad Amin Torabi

Volume 9, Issue 4 , October 2021, , Pages 147-164


  Sudden damages that come from outside the organization will cause the organization to be distorted and ambiguous due to not having a role in their occurrence, this particular type of damage in the organization may not be properly understood due to research gaps and gaps, so The purpose of this study ...  Read More

Pathology of Performance Management System of Iranian Public Sector Organizations

Abdorreza Ghanizadeh; Roohallah Noori; Akbar Hassanpoor; Yousef Vakili

Volume 10, 1(Series 37) , January 2022, , Pages 47-66


  About a decade has passed since the establishment and implementation of the current performance management system of Iranian public sector organizations according to the criteria of the Civil Service Management Act. Nevertheless, this system has not been scientifically and comprehensively pathologized. ...  Read More

Professionalism Human Resource Management Model in Government Organizations (Case Study: Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Trade)

Ahmad Asadi; NabiAllah Mohammadi; Homa Doroudi; arshad Farahmandian

Volume 9, Issue 4 , October 2021, , Pages 12-26


  This study aimed to provide a professional model of human resource management for the Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Trade in the period of 2017-2020. This research is applied-exploratory in terms of purpose and is a descriptive survey in terms of the method with a mixed-mode approach. The research ...  Read More

Identifying the Effective Factors and Consequences of the Leaders Huberris Phenomenon by Fuzzy Dimittel Method, Case Study: Public of Organizations

ALi Shariatnejad

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2022, , Pages 87-102


  In today's management world, some leaders, due to having a self-centered and arrogant personality and being in a position of power, use less of their mental abilities and capabilities over time and have little mobility, which over time reduces their intellectual capacity. In fact, these people, after ...  Read More

Conceptual Model of Value Co-Creation of University with Emphasis on Fourth and Fifth Generation Universities Using Meta-Synthesis and Fuzzy Delphi Approach

Azin Hharandi; Mohammad mahdi Parhizgar; Amir Fazel; Mohmmadtaghi Amini

Volume 10, 1(Series 37) , January 2022, , Pages 103-124


  Despite the introduction of value co-creation models, its various dimensions and components in universities are still unclear. The purpose of this article is to identify the factors, components and consequences of value co-creatin of university emphasizing the fourth and fifth generation universities ...  Read More

Public Management
Designing a model of ostracism faculty members in the work environment

Reza Saleh zadeh; ali Asghar mobasheri

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 June 2024


  The current research was carried out with the aim of designing a model of ostracism faculty members in the work environment . This research in terms of practical purpose; In terms of exploratory nature and in terms of method; It has been done in a qualitative way and with the approach of Grounded theory. ...  Read More

Public Management
Pathology of the Human Resource Management Model of Slack Employees: the Function of Performance Evaluation and Control and Reward and Service Compensation

Mirali Seyednaghavi

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 09 September 2024


  current research tries to examine the pathological analysis of the human resource management model of slack employees, which is taken from the research of Rashidi et al. (2021) in the oil company. This research is quantitative, applied and comparative in terms of philosophical foundations in the paradigm ...  Read More

Public Management
Identifying and analyzing the antecedents and consequences of administrative trader in government organizations with the FCM method

ali shariatnejad; elahe maneshdavi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 October 2024


  One of the global phenomena that has existed for a long time with the emergence of early forms of government and is considered an important factor in causing damage to the policies and public interests of organizations is called administrative trader. Therefore, according to the damages caused by the ...  Read More

Public Management
Designing a model of crisis management with the approach of managing the moral distress with a mixed approach

Rasoul Khazaei; Morteza Hazrati; Nima Ranji Jafarudi

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 13 October 2024


  The purpose of this research is to design a model of crisis management with the approach of moral distress management in hospitals of medical sciences universities of Iran with a mixed approach. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of method. The statistical ...  Read More

Public Management
Examining the Attitude of Employees Regarding Job Security in the Face of Blockchain in the Horizon of 2031

saeid ghazinejad; Hassan Darvish; Mohammad Mahmoudi Meymand

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 October 2024


  A The purpose of the current research is to design and explain the future research model of the attitudebank employees in terms job security in the face of blockchain in the horizon of 2031. In the first stage (qualitative part) of the current research, based on the studies, the future research factors ...  Read More

Public Management
Developing a Strategic Planning Model using the Approach of Excellence EFQM Model (Case Study Cooperative Investment Guarantee Fund)

Malek Dalir; Saeed Abesi; MohammadReza Daraei

Volume 5, شماره 4 (پیاپی 20) , November 2017, , Pages 107-120

  Model to improve EFQM excellence and performance evaluation Guarantee Fund investment cooperation can help us to develop effective strategic planning to increase the effectiveness and productivity. Therefore, the use of Corporate Performance Management and supporting the goal by scientific method are ...  Read More


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)

Iranian Scientific Association of Public Administration (ISAPA)

Public Organizations Management is published in cooperation with the Iranian Scientific Association of Public Administration (ISAPA) in the form of a memorandum of cooperation.

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