Nmber of Volumes | 13 |
Number of Issues | 49 |
Number of Articles | 446 |
Number of Contributors | 1,004 |
Article View | 766,931 |
PDF Download | 688,998 |
View Per Article | 1719.58 |
PDF Download Per Article | 1544.84 |
Number of Submissions | 4,040 |
Acceptance Rate | 8 |
Time to Accept (Days) | 140 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 12 |
Number of Reviewers | 40 |
Public Organization Management is an open access and peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to the advancement of Public Organizations Management Models and management issues of Iranian government agencies. Papers are subject to a double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument.
The submitted papers will be published after review as well as the approval of the editorial board. The journal was established by Payame Noor University. The honorable professors and researchers are highly appreciated if they visit this site, register, submit and set up their papers based on authors guidelines. Therefore, visiting in person or calling the journal office are not recommended, so all connections with authors and reviewers are done through the website. The journal provides article download statistics.
Journal of Public Organzations Management In cooperation with the Academy of Organizational Behavior Management and the Scientific Association of Public Administration of Iran, it will be published in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding.
The Impact Factor of the Quarterly Journal of Public Organzations Management is 0.861 Based on the Report of the Islamic World Citation Database (ISC) in 2018 with a Grade of Q1.
This Journal has been Awarded the A Rank based on the Evaluation Results of the Scientific Journals Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology in 2022.
Open Access Statement:
This journal is a fully access journal which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.
Benefits of open access for authors, include:
Articles’ review and publishing charge:
Bibliographic Information
Title: Public Organization Management
ISSN: Online: 2322-522X Online: 2538-600X
Coverage: Knowledge Development and Creation of Iranian Islamic and Indigenous of Public Organizations Management Models Identify the management issues of Iranian government agencies and provide solutions to them
Language: Persian; including English abstracts and bibliographies
Start Year: 2012
Frequency: Quarterly
Place of Publication: Iran
Publisher: Payame Noor University
Status: Active
Initial review period: 7 working days
Publication Method: Online and print publishing
Type of Publishable Articles: Research/Original/Regular Article, Review Article
Refereed: Yes
Type of Access: Open Access (OA)
Type of License: CC- BY
Plagiarism Detection Software: Hamyab
Type of Publication: Online submission: Free
Full text access: Open Access
Revenue Sources: Institutional support, Donation
Type of Review: Double blind peer review
Type of Material: Serial (Periodical)
Email: ipom@pnu.ac.ir
This journal is subject to COPE criteria with respect to the rules of Publication ethics and follows the executive regulations for preventing and combating fraud in scientific works.
Description: It is an open-access peer-reviewed journal in Persian (including English abstracts and references) devoted to the field of Public Organizations Management
Payame Noor University
Dr. Reza Najjari
Prof. Mohammad Ali Sarlak
Dr. Ali Ghorbani
Executive Director:
Ziba Mohammadzadeh Reveshti
Frequency: Quarterly
Print ISSN: 2322-522X
Online ISSN: 2538-600X
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)
Public Organizations Management is published in cooperation with the Iranian Scientific Association of Public Administration (ISAPA) in the form of a memorandum of cooperation.